Physical Exercise - Health is Wealth
Health is the greatest boon of life. For good health physical exercise is necessary.
Physical exercise means taking work from the limbs. There are many men who do manual labour. Their limbs get automatically exercised. There are others who do only mental labour. For such people physical exercise is extremely necessary. There are numerous advantages of physical exercise. As physical exercise is done in open air, pure air gets into the lungs. This purifier the blood and increases the power of digestion owing to exercise impurities of the body come out in the shape of sweat. The result is that the body becomes symmetrical and beautiful. Exercise also increases intelligence and the power of thinking.
Those who do not take exercise daily become idle. They do not feel enthusiasm for any work. They fall an essay prey to many diseases. Walking are some of the best forms of physical exercise. Then there are some Indian and English games, which also give sufficient exercise to all parts of the body. Such game are kabaddi, football, cricket, hockey, tennis etc. There are many exercise which can be done singly at home.
Physical exercise should be taken regularly. Morning and evening are the best time for physical exercise. Physical exercise should be taken in the open air. It should be taken on empty stomach. It is not proper to take bath immediately after physical exercise.
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