APRDC CET 2015 Sample Question Paper
APRDC CET is conducted by The Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institution Society (APREIS) for admission in Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior Colleges.
- For each question choose the correct answer among the four choices given. Thickly shade only one circle of your choice in the OMR answer sheet with the thick black ball point pen only.
- Write your Hall Ticket Number on OMR answer sheet and in the box provided on the question paper booklet also.
- Don't write your name or Hall Ticket Number at any other place on the OMR Answer Sheet.
- Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.
- There are NO negative marks for wrong answers.
- First 30 questions are of the English language. Next 120 questions are from group subjects. i.e. each subject has 40 questions.

Click here for APRDC CET complete information.