APRDC CET 2014 Question Paper is given here. The candidates who have apply for APRDC CET 2015 should read the APRDC Question paper for preparing the examination. APRDC CET 2015 Sample paper also given here. APRDC CET 2014 was conducted by Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutions Society (APREIS).

Click here for APRDC CET 2015 Sample Question Paper
Instructions for Before Answering
- For each question, choose the correct answer from among the four choices given. Bubble the circle of the correct answer number with Blue/Black ball point pen only.
- Before leaving the examination hall, handover the OMR answer sheet to the invigilator.
- Write your Hall Ticket Number in the blocks provided in the question paper booklet immediately after receiving.
- Do not write anything in the question paper booklet. However, for any rough work you can make use of the space provided at the end of the question paper booklet.
- Do not overwrite in the OMR answer sheet.
- Question Nos. from 1 to 30 are from English Language. The next 120 questions i.e. from 31 to 150 are from the group subjects concerned.
- Each question carries one mark. There will be no negative marks for wrong answer.
- The candidate is allowed to take away the question paper booklet along with him after the completion of the examination.
APRDC CET 2014 Question Paper