Exam Sagar is an Information and Knowledge based site. We provide you information about All India Entrance Exams (Common, Engineering, Medical, Teaching, Management and Others Important exams), Universities Admissions, Admit Card, Result and Counselling. We also provides the Previous years Question Papers for all exams which is National or State wise.All updated posts are available on our home page with date wise. You can find the latest post according to dates.

Our Sections
(a) Entrance Exams - We provide details about Common, Engineering, Medical,
Teaching, Management and Others Important entrance exams which is held all over
India. You can find here entrance exams details such as application form,
eligibility criteria, fees, important dates, admit card, result &
(b) Jobs - Government & Private sector jobs
are also covered by our team.
(c) Question Papers - You can find the previous years
question papers year wise which is available on our site. All Question papers
are available in their category.
(d) News - In the news section we stay update to
our users with latest educational news which is covered from various news
papers, you tube and other official source.
(e) Article
-> Our Articles - When our team feel free then they write the article on some topics for that users who interested in read the articles.
-> User Articles - We invites the students/users to write a article for us, but article should not be copy paste from any where. Article must be written by you. If your article will be found duplicate or complaint by anyone then your article will be removed without any information. Interested candidates can send their articles on Contact Us Page with their name and contact number for the purpose of publish with your article. Your name and contact number will be published with your article. If you don't want to publish your phone number then please mention in Contact Us Page.
(f) General Knowledge - In this section Exam Sagar provides the General Knowledge
questions which is MCQ. Our GK questions will help you for increase your
general knowledge. The questions which is covered by Exam Sagar has been taken
from various competitive exams such as SSC, Bank PO, Railway, Police
Recruitment and many more.
Note:- If you have any suggestion for us, Please fill the Contact Us form and submit your suggestion.