Key XML Technologies for Mobile Computing

Key XML Technologies for Mobile Computing


(b) VXML
(i) intended for voice user interfaces
(ii) permits requirements of a command-based voice dialog via a markup language.

(c) WML

(d) XForms


(i) CCXML is termed as Call Control Extensible.
(ii) It is a Markup Language.
-> Application of XML for organizing voice calls.
-> It concentrates on steering the calls and connecting calls (in contrast to VXML).
-> It is associated with Java Telephony APIs (JTAPI)

(f) XML Pipeline
It defines how to process a variety of XML resources. It can be considered in two different circumstances. It defines the flow of giving out instructions that are pertained to one or more specified documents inhabited on the host.
It is familiar with type of processes :
-> Constructive processes create new information.
-> Enlarging processes insert new types.
-> Examination processes gaze at the content of a document.
-> Extraction processes copy a part of the document that they look into
-> Packaging processes are disperses processes that address the processing of distributed resources.

-> WAP Binary Extensible Markup Language
-> Defines a method to characterize XML in 0's and 1's as a substitute of text.

(h) SSML
-> Synthetic Speech Markup Language
-> It is used for the infrastructure of the voice user interface.

(i) RDF
(i) Resource Description Framework
(ii) Produced particularly
-> to permit discovery of a variety of resources
-> indexing them
-> Establishment of resources that are made up of other RDF resources by basically nesting the RDF descriptions.
(iii) RDF is part of Semantic Web.

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