To be guided by rules to pay due regarded to elders and superior officers to obey them and to behave in an ordinary manner, all these come under the term discipline.
Discipline is necessary in all walks of life without discipline there will be complete chaos and disorder. There will be no peace and progress. The very social structure will become topsy-turvy. This is why, so much strees is laid on discipline everywhere.
In school, if the boys be undisciplined, it will be difficult for the teacher to manage the school. The boys themselves will learn nothing and the very purpose of education will be defeated. It will become difficult to carry on the work of production and administration. Just imagine what will be the faste of country of its public servants become undisciplined and all begin to work according to their own sweet erill. Then, there will be no plane and no organization. Similarly if the army and the police refuse to carry out the order of their generals and commanders, the enemy and the hooligans will have no difficulty in establishing their way in the country.
Discipline is a good thing and there is no evil in it. It builds character, develops strength and unity and fosters co-operation. It is therefore necessary that boys should be taught discipline from their very childhood. It should never be overlooked as it is the secret of success in life.