KEA PGET 2016 Eligibility Criteria

A candidate who fulfills the following criteria shall be eligible to appear for the online seat allotment process, namely:-

1.1. He / She is a citizen of India

1.2. He / She has studied and passed in the courses leading to the award of MBBS / BDS Degrees in colleges recognized by Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India, Government of India and affiliated to any University established by law in India and located in Karnataka State; or

1.3. Candidate must be of Karnataka origin who has studied MBBS/BDS degrees in colleges outside Karnataka recognized by Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India and Government of India and affiliated to any University established by law in India. Explanation;- Candidates of Karnataka Origin – means candidate or his/her parents (father or mother) has been a resident of Karnataka State for a period of not less than TEN years, and produces a certificate from the concerned Tahsildar to that effect.

1.4. He/ She has completed or is completing ‘Compulsory Rotating Internship’ on or before 31st March 2016.

1.5. A candidate, who is already holding a Post-Graduate degree in any specialty, shall not be eligible to appear for the online seat allotment counseling process for admission to any post Graduate Medical or Dental degree or Diploma Course.

1.6. A candidate, who is already holding a Post-Graduate Diploma in any specialty, shall be eligible for post graduate degree course in the same speciality & shall not be eligible for any other post graduate degree or diploma courses.

1.7. Must be less than 45 years of age for non service & 48 years for inservice as on 31st March 2016. Provided that the requirements mentioned under clause (1.3) shall not be applicable in the case of,

a. The children of serving or retired employees of All India Services, Karnataka cadre of the State Government who had served or are serving outside the State during the period the candidate had been studying from the first standard till the commencement of the first year of the course leading to the degree in the qualifying examination, to the extent of the period of such service outside the state.

b. Children of Central Government employees and employees of Central or State Government undertakings or Joint Sector working continuously in Karnataka for at least three years as on 31st March 2016

 c. Children of Central Government employees and employees of Central or State Government undertakings or joint Sector undertakings working as on the 31st March 2016 outside the state, where such employee had; i. Declared to the respective Government organization a place in Karnataka as his / her home town; and ii. Studied for not less than 5 years between the 1st& 10th standard or equivalent examination in any educational institution in Karnataka run or recognized by the state Government.

d. The children of members of parliament elected from the Karnataka to the extent of period of being the member of parliament during the period of the child study in New Delhi. From the 1st standard to the qualifying examination during his tenure as Member of Parliament.

e. The Children of serving Defence personnel or Ex-servicemen whose address at the time of joining the Defence Service is in Karnataka. Note (i) Children for the purpose of the rule means natural born son/daughter and not adopted son/daughter and not grandson/granddaughter (ii) The candidates claiming any of the exemption specified above shall produce such certificate as specified by the committee for claiming such exemption.

 (f) The Karnataka Examinations Authority or the committee may from time to time specify for submission such other additional documents as deemed essential from all candidates through the application form or through a notification on their website.

For Persons with Disability (PWD) 
Candidates who are Persons with Disability of lower limb ranging from 40% to 70% should produce a Medical Certificate issued by Chairman, State Disability Board or Competent Government Doctor of State of Karnataka in the field of concerned disability at the time of Medical Test. (Candidates suffering from hearing disability should compulsorily obtain and produce a BSER (Brain Stem Evoked Response) Audiometry Report from NIMHANS/Manipal Hospital, Bangalore/Government Speech and Hearing Institute, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore).

a. The candidates are required to appear COMPULSORILY for Medical examination before a Committee comprising of the Executive Director, KEA, Bangalore, as Chairman, Assistant Commissioner (Disability Department) and three Specialists from the department of Orthopedics, Ophthalmology and ENT. The Medical Board shall examine the candidate and certify regarding the percentage of disability and the decision of the Medical Board will be final. For the purpose of this proviso, persons with the disability shall have the same meaning assigned to it in the 'Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Participation) Act 1995 (Central Act 1 /1995)

b. The candidates with disability of lower limb less than 40% will not be eligible for claiming a seat under PWD Category. The Medical Board shall examine the candidate and certify regarding the percentage of disability and the decision of the Medical Board will be final. The candidates with less than 40% of disability and those who fail to appear before the Committee on the notified date and time will not be eligible to be considered for allotment of a seat under the persons with disability category. The list of eligible physically disabled candidates prepared by the Medical Board will be final for the purpose of allotment of seats.

c. The Seats under PWD quota will be allotted to eligible PWD on inter-se-merit basis considering marks obtained in the entrance examination, based on the seats notified by the Government of Karnataka.

The Medical examination of Persons with Disability will be held at KEA as notified on KEA Website, Sampige Road, 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore – 560 012.  

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Last Updated on :- 01/03/2025