AKNUCET 2016 How to Apply

AKNUCET 2016 How to Apply

Submission of filled-in applications through online: Applications should be submitted through online only. For online submission, visit the Website www.aknudoa.in (or) www.nannayauniversity.info (or) www.aknu.edu.in .
A candidate has to pay Rs. 400/- (Plus Bank charges applicable for the mode of payment selected) as Registration and Application Processing Fee (and late fee if applicable) by opting any of the following modes of payments: (a) Debit / Credit Card (b) Net Banking. After filling the online Application form with the required details, verify all the details carefully and press Submit button. Filled in Application Form will be generated that contains Application number along with filled details. Take print out of filled in Online Application Form. Use the Application number for future correspondence till the admission process is completed.

The following information must be kept ready for filling in the details for online submission
a) Select the eligible courses.
b) Hall-Ticket Number of Qualifying Examination.
c) Percentage of marks and year of Passing of Qualifying Examination, if Passed.
d) Date of Birth as per SSC records.
e) Caste in case of SC/ST/BC candidates.
g) Parental Income Upto One lakh or up to Two lakhs or more than Two Lakhs (rupees)
h) Study or Residence (from M.R.O) or relevant certificate for proof of local status.
Note: the above original certificates are to be submitted during the Counseling for Admission 

General Instructions: 
a) The University reserves the right to reject the application of a candidate at any stage, if a) the application is incomplete.
b) the candidate fails to satisfy the prescribed eligibility conditions. c) false or incorrect information is furnished. b) Any change whatsoever, including that of caste/community status or category, shall not be permitted to be made in the filled in application once it is received by the University. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Upload of complaints will be allowed during April 11th - 23rd, 2016.
c) The Director, DOA is not responsible for non-submission of application by the notified date and time for any reason whatsoever.
d) The candidate should PRESERVE THE HALL TICKET to produce if at the time of test and later at the time of admission into the course.
e) For NCC/ NSS / Sports categories the certificates obtained in qualifying examination alone are considered.
f) The candidates need not apply again for admission into University Colleges, , and Colleges affiliated to AKNU.

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Last Updated on :- 01/03/2025