On Friday (Feb 12), the Bombay High court recalled its earlier order allowing the association to conduct its own entrance test after the state government filed an affidavit against it.
Earlier the High Court, in an interim order dt 4thFebruary, had permitted AMUPMDC to conduct the CET, but was asked to not declare the results or conduct admissions on the basis of that CET till further orders.
The association had filed a petition in the High Court, challenging the state government’s act regulating admissions and fees in private and unaided professional institutes – Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions’ (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) – effective from May 12, 2015.
The Maharashtra govt. had made it mandatory to conduct a single CET for admissions to all professional institutions in the state. The government had argued that after enactment of the state’s legislation, admission policies were framed. After the said Act, no private association in the state was entitled to hold any CET for admitting students in their institutions.