Latest Technologies used in Mobile Computing

Latest Technologies used in Mobile Computing

There are various technologies we use in the case of mobile computing some of them are :

(a) Bluetooth - Bluetooth is an exciting new technology that allows devises such as mobile phones, laptops computers, digital cameras, PDAS and other portable devices to communicate with each other without using a cable to connect them.

(b) DRM - The DRM is a short-term  for Digital Right Management. This is generic term for access control technology that can be used by the hardware manufactures and indiiduals to limit the usage of dgital content and devices.

(c) Short Message Service - The SMS allows the transmissions of messages up to 160 characters from one devices to another device.

(d) Multimedia Message Service - The MMS service improves the use of the SMS service. By using the MMS service we can send text as well as a picture, an audio or video. MMS is a store for forward messaging service that allows mobile subscribers to exchange multimedia messages with other mobile subscribers.
-> Text
-> Picture
->  Audio
-> Video
->  Combinations of the above.

(e) GPS - GPS is terms as the Global Positioning System. Basically this is a technology that supports a system which allows us to figure out the location of our destination.

(f) GSM - The GSM refers to the Global System for Mobile Communication.

(g) CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access is one of the several digital wireless transmission methods in which signals are encoded using a pseudo random sequence which corresponds to a different communication channel that the receiver also known and can use to decode the received signal.

(h) GPRS - The GPRS refers to the general packet radio service. It provides the packet mode transfer for applications that show traffic patterns such as frequent transmission of small volumes or infrequent transmission of small or medium volumes according to the requirement specification.

(i) WAP - WAP refers to the wireless application protocol it is a protocol that is developed to allow intelligent transmission of optimised internet content to wireless phones.

(j) Generations of Mobile Phones - There are various generations of mobile phones that define the technology improvement in the present day's mobile computing environment. Such as - 0G, 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G etc.

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