
The Beggar

Beggars are a very common sight in India. They can be seen at all public places. Wheather we go the railway station or to a bus-stop, to a temple, a mosque or a church, to the burning ghat or to a bathing ghat we are sure to be pestered by beggars. They throng specially at religious places. Near sacred places and ghats they can be seen lining up in rows. Some will be found rolling on the earth, same
sitting, some reclining and some standing in various postures.
Unfortunately in India. begging has become a profession with some people. They take to begging not because they cannot maintain themselves otherwise. They become beggars because they can earn money easily by begging. In western countries beggars are rare. There begging is a crime. A description of the various forms of begging in India would be very interesting. Some beggars are simple. Some try to please our ears with devotional songs. Some try to show that they are lame and cannot walk without help. Some play on our religious instinct. Begging in India has got much support from Hindu religion. The Hindus look upon the giving of alms as a sacred and religious act. The spirit of charity is no doubt good. But the giving of charity racklessly encourages inosetivity and laziness. Charity must be given but beggary must go. Begging must be made an offence in India and the state must take care of all destitute persons.

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