TANCET 2015 Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics

TANCET 2015 Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics is given below. Candidates should be read carefully the TANCET 2015 Syllabus for prepare for TANCET Examination. 
TANCET 2015 Syllabus
i) Determinants and Matrices : Solving system of equations – Rank of the Matrix – Eigenvalues and eigenvectors – Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form.
ii) Calculus and Differential Equations : Partial derivatives – Jacobians – Taylor’s expansion – Maxima and Minima. Linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients – Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients. Formation of partial differential equation (PDE) – Solution of first order PDE – Solution of linear higher order PDE with constant coefficients.
iii) Vector Calculus : Double and triple integrations and their applications – Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian – Green’s, Gauss divergence and Stroke’s theorem.
iv) Functions of Complex Variables and Complex Integration : Analytic functions – Conformal Mapping – Bilinear transformation – Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula – Taylor and Laurent Series – Singularities – Residues – Residue theorem and its applications.
v) Transforms : Laplace Transform – Inverse transforms – Application to solution of linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. Fourier integral theorem – Fourier transform pair – Sine and Cosine transforms. -transform – Inverse Z–transform – Solution of difference equations using Z– transform.
vi) Numerical Methods : Solution of linear system by direct and iterative methods – Interpolation and approximation – Numerical Differentiation and Integration – Solving Ordinary Differential Equations.
vii) Applied Probability : Probability and Random variables – Standard Discrete and Continuous distribution – Moments – Moment generating function and their properties. Two-Dimensional Random Variables – Covariance – Correlation and Regression.

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